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real-time real-space




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interactive installation

Dôme interactif: Reflets Pluriels

Step into the "Dôme", an environment designed to entice visitors into an immersive journey through video content. Within its confines, you'll encounter a sensory spectacle: a three-dimensional screen that transcends the usual limits of visibility. Mirrors ingeniously positioned throughout the space expand your perception, enveloping you in an enchanting and captivating atmosphere. This unique space aims to foster social interaction and prompt a complete reimagining of the viewer's perspective, urging a shift in focus — towards the sky, rather than straight ahead.

Exhibition views at Visions du Réel 2024
Project commissioned by Visions du Réel
Photos by Lisa Mazenauer
interactive installation interactive installation
interactive installation

A group of people of different ages, origins and cultures came together to share the stories associated with their most precious objects. Within this installation, a rich mosaic unfolds, composed of testimonies and video fragments captured by the participants using their phones, as well as various images filmed with the help of Swiss filmmaker Marie-Eve Hildbrand and Terrain Vague.

interactive installation
interactive installation interactive installation

You have a project you want to elaborate or you wish to host a workshop?
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any request or additional information.